NURSERY : Newborn - 2 years
A relationship with Jesus begins at Day 1 of life. As a church family we believe that we can impact our children right from the start. From simple nursery songs that reinforce faith belief systems to caring volunteers who teach (AND change diapers!) our nursery is a safe and spirit filled place that parents can feel comfortable leaving their babies during service in order to focus on feeding their own souls. Remember Moms and Dads: just like on a plane we must often put the spiritual “oxygen” on ourselves first! Rest assured that we will contact you if your baby is in need.

PRE-K : Ages 3 - 5
Preschool at KidsPlace provides a fun and engaging opportunity for your children to engage not only with other children their age but to connect with Jesus on a level that they can understand and embrace. We want our kids to enjoy their church experience as much as their parents do and we have chosen curriculum that teaches spiritual concepts on a various levels that each and every child can comprehend. Our team of volunteers are trained to not just “babysit” but enrich each child’s life, to pray for them and to teach them each week in an appealing atmosphere.

ELEMENTARY : Grades K - 5
Potentially some of the most important years in a our spiritual lives, at a time when our children’s minds and hearts are most open to hearing the gospel, as a church we promise to do all we can to bring life and excitement to the spiritual concepts that we teach each week to our K-5 kids. We know that they spend hours each day in school and the weekends are often jam packed with sports and fun, but we want each KidsPlace attendee to BEG to come to KidsPlace each week and we will do everything we can to provide a safe, engaging and FUN experience for our K-5 children that will leave them wanting more of KidsPlace and more of JESUS!
Every child's name tag is matched to a parent-identification number, every volunteer is screened with an interview and federal background check, and our kids ministry area is monitored by security personnel and cameras.
We value children's relationships within the small group setting as they relate to their leader and other kids in the group. As families commit to attending the same service each week, children are placed in a group of familiar faces where relationships can grow.
The Bible is the most amazing book ever written! We strive to bring its stories to life through activities and discussions that keep children engaged. We want all children to love God's word and understand the value of applying it to their lives. Also, our environments and lesson materials are created in a way that our children will understand. They will love coming to church and learning about Jesus on their level!
Kids love fun! We realize that when children have fun at church, they can't wait to come back. We value creating fun ways for children to learn about Jesus, including games, activities, singing, and live acting.
On your way home, be sure to ask your child questions like, "Did you have fun?" and "What did you learn today?" It's our goal that every child has a positive answer to these two questions, every week!